Our tried and tested Growth package for lifestyle brands really works.

Firstly, be assured, it’s bespoke and not just churned out for everyone as the definition of success for any growth phase business hinges on what makes them stand out, and what peaks the interest of their audience enough to engage.  Understanding this and building a plan around it is fundamental to success.

Over a 4-6 month period we will:

  • Understand your business, the energy of your brand and what success looks like to you?
  • Engage all stakeholders internally to understand motivations for growth
  • Profile in detail your audiences and truly what makes them tick.
  • Audit your existing content and channels to market
  • Re-align your objectives to ensure you’re focussing on the right things to get results
  • Build an actionable plan that is relevant, engaging and will drive revenue
  • Agree the best approach to ensure the plan is delivered effectively

As we work on an upfront agreed fee (we don’t like day rates as are output lead rather than time to desk) we can really get under the skin of your business – working in your office, f2f and via virtual meetings, with all stakeholders, as appropriate – we effectively collaborate, and work as a real extension of your team.


Delivering the strategy is the foundation of success but to make the magic happen you need a superstar to execute the plan and often without an upfront plan, it’s hard to know what kind of marketing support you need – do you just need a social media manager, do you want a Shopify or email expert or are you focussing on paid social ads?

Our ‘In-Touch’ Mentoring Sessions:

  • Identify and recruit the right person to execute your tailored plan
  • Align them with the strategy and agreed deliverables
  • Regular mentoring sessions to ensure execution is on-track to deliver against agreed business goals
  • Review and adapt activity as necessary to finesse the sales funnel for long-term growth
  • Build community, brand advocates and Influencers as customer move through their lifecycle with you
  • Develop a Customer engagement plan and nurture journeys as returning customers start to deliver long-term value

As well as our ‘In-Touch’ sessions to your new marketing hire, we remain committed to the success of your business and will be available for on-going consultancy and additional marketing expertise as required.

We want to work with like-minded people, brands that have something to say and aren’t afraid to say it.  We want to help translate your passion into sales and a create a brand that’s here to stay.